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Official Medical Fee Schedule Review (Bill Review)

The Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) is publicized by the DWC administrative director under Labor Code section 5307.1 and found under sections 9789.10 et seq. of Title 8, California Code of Regulations. For better treatment related to injuries and illness, this can be used to get payment of medical services.

Most of the time, insurance payers do not follow the guidelines given by the DWC to review and pay medical providers' claims for injured workers' treatment. Insurance companies down code/ partially pay / or offer zero payment incorrectly, referring towards unclear reasons even after several attempts of second and independent bill reviews. In most cases, Insurance companies do not reimburse the medical provider's entitled amount, and providers have to litigate the matter at the WCAB or Workers Compensation Appeals Broad. It becomes crucial for a lien claimant to produce a certified bill review when insurance companies presented as defense attorneys in the court point out that they "paid per fee schedule." So it is required to have a certified bill review which guarantees a significant outcome while facing the defense's argument of "being paid appropriately". It also adds an additional shield of protection for providers and rights to be reimbursed according to the Official Medical Fee Schedule.


We provide Official Medical Fee Schedule Review (Bill Review) as a service designed for Workers' Compensation, focused on helping Lien Claimants settle their liens, we treat our providers welland support them in preparing for Trial with proper evidentiary Certified Bill Review. We try to help in every possible way and can provide a flat fee per bill review at a low rate when working on bulk bills. For Lien Conferences or Trials, rely on us to set the hearing calendar. As our process is much faster, it requires low cost compared to competitors.

We are located in California and India. Our experienced team in India is capable enough to create multiple bill reviews, which get reviewed, approved, and certified by our Qualified Bill Reviewers. Our experts are there to testify to the accuracy of its bill review at Lien Trials.

Want to know why obtaining the OMFS from software is inadequate? The software or non-certified bill reviewer cannot testify the authenticity and validity of the value of bill review. Reasons to hire us.

Importance of Bill Review:

A Certified Bill Review is required to be part of Exhibits at the Lien Conference, so the judge accepts it at the Lien Trail without any objection. In many cases, if bill review is not a part of original exhibits or served within 20 days of the Trial, the judge will not allow it at a Lien Trail.

At the Lien conference, it is necessary to have a Bill review for the settlement of cases as the defense always comes with a bill review or an Expert. With a Certified Bill Review at Lien Conference, the success rate of settlements is so higher that in the future, it keeps clear of Lien Trials and costs involved.We invariably see a more incredible settlement amount whenever a certified Bill Review is prepared.